Adventure story (dystopia)
Written by Péter Gombos
152 pages
140x200 mm, hardcover
Published in 2011
Pont Publishing
How can Robinson Crusoe, Doctor Doolittle and Jules Verne meet each other? In 2238 in a library sentenced to demolition, a strange machine is found by a group of boys. Partly by chance they begin to travel in time. Presenting the anatomy of dictatorship, the story develops in the future, and at the same time in the 17th century London of Defoe, in the 19th century Paris of Verne, in the 19th century United States, and finally in the time of Jesus’s miracles. Taking the advices of the wanderers may not be sufficient to reach a more livable future or even to stay alive…
A very exciting time traveling story from the future to the past.
Péter Gombos (1973) got his PhD at the Graduate School for Literature of the University of Pécs. His dissertation was about the utopies and distopies of Hungarian children’s literature. Since his degrees he teaches children’s literature. He translated with his wife Hungarian children’s verses into the language of Hungarian gypsies. He has three daughters.